четвер, 18 серпня 2016 р.

UX Maturity: Where Does Your Company Fit?

If you have an understanding of UX and its importance to long-term business success, that’s great… but what if your CEO or upper management doesn’t feel the same way?
Before you can make a case for investing more time, money or resources in UX, it’s important to first assess the level of UX maturity that your company is currently at i.e. how willing are they to adopt UX practices and make it an integral part of the business function? The following model is commonly used for measuring UX maturity. Where does your company fit?
“To optimally integrate experience design in an organization, it’s helpful to first map out its maturity level.” – Juan Manuel Carraro, Customer Experience & Experience Planning at IBM Interactive Experience.
If your company isn’t on the level you think it should be or you simply want to progress to the next one, it might just be a case of giving management more reason to invest in UX. Download our free ebook to get some information you can use to do just that.

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